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The Themyscira Research Institute aims to offer insights on a series of different leadership issues.

The Institute fosters fundamental and applied research into Integrative Leadership.


The Institute aims to further Harmonize the Feminine and the Masculine in the Business Arena.

Founder Christine Koetsier: Women didn’t build this Global Business Arena, yet they are there to stay. Given that man and women are the best elementary system that evolution has brought forward, I believe there is much to gain for today’s organizations in having leaders from both genders work more and better together, in an Integrated way.


’Integrative Leadership is about men and women working together in a meaningful way.

Integrative Leadership creates better outcomes in our businesses, through combining and integrating our masculine and feminine intelligences and energies.


The Institute incorporates The Geo-Women Index, a ranking of leading female executives worldwide, indicating about their respective influential positions in both corporate life and society.

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